Command-line interface#

This section describes the hydra based command-line interface (CLI) to DeepQMC. The tutorial exemplifies a basic training and evaluation through the command line. For more advanced functionality such as multiruns or interaction with slurm see the hydra docs.

The CLI provides simple access to the functionalities of the deepqmc package. The main tasks comprise train, restart and evaluate, which are thin wrappers around the train function.

Available tasks:

  • train: Trains the ansatz with variational Monte Carlo.

  • evaluate: Evaluates observables (i.e. the energy) of an ansatz via Monte Carlo sampling.

  • restart: Restarts/continues the training from a stored training checkpoint.

The train function creates a directory which contains the logs as well as the hyperparameters for the training (.hydra). For restart and evaluate the restdir of the former training run has to be provided. Specifying arguments when executing the command will overwrite the configuration stored in the restdir. This enables changing certain parameters, such as the number of training / evaluation steps, but can result in errors if the requested hyperparameters conflict with the recovered train state.


A training can be run via:

$ deepqmc

This creates several files in the working directory, including:

  • deepqmc.log - Stores the console log of the run

  • training/events.out.tfevents.* - Tensorboard event file

  • training/result.h5 - HDF5 file with the training trajectory

  • training/state-*.pt - Checkpoint files with the saved state of the ansatz, optimizer and sampler at particular steps

  • training/.hydra - Folder containing the hydra config of the run

  • training/pyscf_chkpts - Folder containing the PySCF checkpoints for pretraining

The training can be continued or recoverd from a training checkpoint:

$ deepqmc task=restart task.restdir=workdir/training

The evaluation of the energy of a trained wavefunction ansatz is obtained via:

$ deepqmc task=evaluate task.restdir=workdir/training

This again generates a Tensorboard event file evaluation/events.out.tfevents.* and an HDF5 file evaluation/result.h5 file holding the sampled local energies and other observables (see Tutorial/Logging)

Execution on multiple GPUs#

DeepQMC can utilize multiple GPUs of a single host for increased performance. The algorithm is parallelised over the electron position samples, therefore the number of such samples in a batch (electron_batch_size) must be divisible with the number of utilized GPUs. DeepQMC relies on JAX to automatically detect and use all available GPUs, without any configuration from the user. It respects the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable if it’s defined, and only uses the GPUs specified there. A short log message at the beginning of the run informs the user of the number of utilized GPUs.


In the following the most relevant settings for running experiments with DeepQMC are discussed.


DeepQMC provides the above mentioned configurations for the train, evaluate and restart task. In order to override default hyperparameters of the experimental setup, such as the sample_size or the number of training steps or pretrain_steps, hydra provides a simple syntax:

$ deepqmc task=train task.electron_batch_size=2048 task.steps=50000 task.pretrain_steps=5000

The working directory for logging and checkpointing is is defined through:

$ deepqmc

Note that the working directory of an evaluate and restart task cannot match the value of their restdir option (which specifies the working directory of the previous job that we want to evaluate or restart).


DeepQMC aims at solving the molecular Hamiltonian. Molecules can be selected from a range of predefined configurations located in .../deepqmc/src/deepqmc/conf/hamil/mol:

$ deepqmc hamil/mol=LiH

The predefined configurations can be extended with custom molecules. Alternatively, simple molecules can be specified on the command line:

$ deepqmc hamil.mol.coords=[[0,0,0],[0.742,0,0]] hamil.mol.charges=[1,1] hamil.mol.charge=0 hamil.mol.spin=0 hamil.mol.unit=angstrom

To work with larger molecules, one can create custom YAML files (for examples check the .../deepqmc/src/deepqmc/conf/hamil/mol folder) and load them with:

$ deepqmc hamil/mol=from_file hamil.mol.file=relative/path/to/molecule/file.yaml

DeepQMC implements the option to use pseudopotentials, which can be used via:

$ deepqmc hamil.mol.coords=[[0,0,0]] hamil.mol.charges=[21] hamil.mol.charge=0 hamil.mol.spin=1 hamil.mol.unit=angstrom +hamil.ecp_type='ccECP'

Excited States#

DeepQMC implements penalty-based optimisation of electronic excited states. To simulate the two lowest lying states of a molecule use:

$ deepqmc task.electronic_states=2

When simulating excited states it is recommended to pretrain with respect to orthogonal (excited) states. This is achieved by specifying a suitable cas space:

$ deepqmc task.electronic_states=2 task.pretrain_kwargs.scf_kwargs.cas=[2,2]

To target states of a particular spin sector, a spin penalty can be applied:

$ deepqmc task.electronic_states=2 +task.fit_fn.loss_function_factory.spin_penalty=10

Setting the spin penalty penalises high spin states, i.e. favours singlet (doublet) states over triplet (quartet) states, etc. When simulating states with higher total spin, the spin penalty is combined with setting the magnetic quantum number. For more details on the configuration of excited state calculations see [Szabo24]. Note that when applying cas pretraining and using the spin penalty it is required to fix the spin in the calculation of the baseline to provide sensible pretraining targets.


Different sampler configurations can be found in .../deepqmc/src/deepqmc/conf/task/sampler_factory. A typical usecase would be to pick as sampler form these configurations and, if required, change some argument from the command line:

$  deepqmc task/sampler_factory=decorr_langevin task.sampler_factory.elec_sampler.samplers.0.length=30


For the optimization either KFAC or optimizers from optax may be used. While the use of KFAC is highly recommended due to the significantly improved convergence, at times it can be useful to run with other optimizers such as AdamW:

$ deepqmc task/opt=adamw


The hyperparameters of the training and the wave function ansatz are specified through hydra config files. Predefined ansatzes can be found in .../deepqmc/src/deepqmc/conf/ansatz and selected via:

$ deepqmc ansatz=psiformer

The hyperparameters of such a predefined ansatz can also be overwritten at the command line:

$ deepqmc ansatz=psiformer ansatz.omni_factory.gnn_factory.n_interactions=2

For convenience the configuration of the default ansatz is reproduced here:

_partial_: true
  _partial_: true
  isotropic: true
  per_shell: false
  per_orbital_exponent: true
  spin_restricted: false
  init_to_ones: true
  softplus_zeta: false
  _partial_: true
  mult_act: '${eval:"lambda x: x"}'
n_determinants: 16
full_determinant: true
  _partial_: true
  same_scale: 0.25
  anti_scale: 0.5
  alpha: 10.0
  trainable_alpha: false
cusp_nuclei: false
backflow_transform: mult
  _target_: haiku.Linear
  _partial_: true
  with_bias: false
    _target_: jax.numpy.ones
    _partial_: true
  _partial_: true
  embedding_dim: 128
    _partial_: true
    sum_first: true
      _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
      _partial_: true
      hidden_layers: ['log', 1]
      bias: false
      last_linear: true
      activation: null
      init: default
    _partial_: true
      _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
      _partial_: true
      hidden_layers: ['log', 1]
      bias: false
      last_linear: true
      activation: null
      init: default
    _target_: deepqmc.gnn.ElectronGNN
    _partial_: true
    n_interactions: 3
    nuclei_embedding: null
      _target_: deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronEmbedding
      _partial_: true
          _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.CombinedEdgeFeature
          - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DistancePowerEdgeFeature
            powers: [1]
          - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DifferenceEdgeFeature
      use_spin: false
      project_to_embedding_dim: false
    two_particle_stream_dim: 32
    self_interaction: false
        _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.CombinedEdgeFeature
        - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DistancePowerEdgeFeature
          powers: [1]
        - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DifferenceEdgeFeature
        _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.CombinedEdgeFeature
        - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DistancePowerEdgeFeature
          powers: [1]
        - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.edge_features.DifferenceEdgeFeature
      _target_: deepqmc.gnn.electron_gnn.ElectronGNNLayer
      _partial_: true
        _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
        _partial_: true
        hidden_layers: ['log', 2]
        bias: true
        last_linear: false
          _target_: jax.numpy.tanh
          _partial_: true
        init: default
          _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
          _partial_: true
          hidden_layers: ['log', 1]
          bias: false
          last_linear: false
            _target_: jax.numpy.tanh
            _partial_: true
          init: default
        _target_: deepqmc.hkext.ResidualConnection
        normalize: true
      nucleus_residual: null
        _target_: deepqmc.hkext.ResidualConnection
        normalize: true
      deep_features: shared
      update_rule: concatenate
      - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.update_features.ResidualElectronUpdateFeature
        _partial_: true
      - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.update_features.NodeSumElectronUpdateFeature
        _partial_: true
        node_types: [up, down]
        normalize: true
      - _target_: deepqmc.gnn.update_features.ConvolutionElectronUpdateFeature
        _partial_: true
        edge_types: [same, anti]
        normalize: false
          _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
          _partial_: true
          hidden_layers: ['log', 2]
          bias: true
          last_linear: false
            _target_: jax.numpy.tanh
            _partial_: true
          init: default
          _target_: deepqmc.hkext.MLP
          _partial_: true
          hidden_layers: ['log', 2]
          bias: true
          last_linear: false
            _target_: jax.numpy.tanh
            _partial_: true
          init: default