from import Mapping, Sequence
import haiku as hk
import jax.numpy as jnp
from ..hkext import Identity
from .graph import GraphEdges, GraphNodes
from .utils import NodeEdgeMapping
class UpdateFeature(hk.Module):
r"""Base class for all update features.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
def __init__(
n_up: int,
n_down: int,
two_particle_stream_dim: int,
node_edge_mapping: NodeEdgeMapping,
self.n_up = n_up
self.n_down = n_down
self.node_edge_mapping = node_edge_mapping
self.two_particle_stream_dim = two_particle_stream_dim
def names(self) -> list[str]:
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
raise NotImplementedError
class ResidualElectronUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""Residual update feature.
Returns the unchanged electron embeddings from the previous layer as
a single update feature.
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
return [GraphNodes(None, nodes.electrons)]
def names(self) -> list[str]:
return ['residual']
class NodeSumElectronUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""The (normalized) sum of the node embeddings as an update feature.
Returns the (normalized) sum of the electron embeddings from the previous layer as
a single update feature.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
node_types (list[str]): list of node types to update
normalize (bool): whether to normalize the sum by the number of nodes
def __init__(self, *args, node_types, normalize):
assert all(node_type in {'up', 'down'} for node_type in node_types)
self.normalize = normalize
self.node_types = node_types
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
node_idx = {'up': slice(None, self.n_up), 'down': slice(self.n_up, None)}
reduce_fn = jnp.mean if self.normalize else jnp.sum
return [
nodes.electrons[node_idx[node_type]], axis=0, keepdims=True
(self.n_up + self.n_down, 1),
for node_type in self.node_types
def names(self) -> list[str]:
return [f'node_{node_type}' for node_type in self.node_types]
class EdgeSumElectronUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""The (normalized) sum of the edge embeddings as an update feature.
Returns the (normalized) sum of the edge embeddings for various edge types
as separate update features.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
edge_types (list[str]): list of edge types to sum over
normalize (bool): whether to normalize the sum by the number of senders
def __init__(self, *args, edge_types, normalize):
assert all(
edge_type in {'up', 'down', 'same', 'anti', 'ee', 'ne'}
for edge_type in edge_types
self.normalize = normalize
self.edge_types = edge_types
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
updates = []
for edge_type in self.edge_types:
if edge_type == 'ee':
factor = self.n_up + self.n_down if self.normalize else 1.0
+ edges['anti'].sum_senders(False)
/ factor,
GraphNodes(None, edges[edge_type].sum_senders(self.normalize))
return updates
def names(self) -> list[str]:
return [f'edge_{edge_type}' for edge_type in self.edge_types]
class ConvolutionElectronUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""The convolution of node and edge embeddings as an update feature.
Returns the convolution of the node and edge embeddings for various edge types
as separate update features.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
edge_types (list[str]): list of edge types to sum over
normalize (bool): whether to normalize the sum by the number of senders
w_factory ( factory function for the :math:`w` matrix
h_factory ( factory function for the :math:`h` matrix
w_for_ne (bool): whether to use the :math:`w` matrix for the :math:`ne` edge
def __init__(
self, *args, edge_types, normalize, w_factory, h_factory, w_for_ne=True
assert all(
edge_type in {'up', 'down', 'same', 'anti', 'ee', 'ne'}
for edge_type in edge_types
self.normalize = normalize
self.edge_types = edge_types
layer_types = [typ for typ in edge_types if typ != 'ee']
if 'ee' in edge_types:
layer_types.extend(['same', 'anti'])
self.h_factory = h_factory
self.w_factory = w_factory
self.w_for_ne = w_for_ne
def single_edge_type_update(self, nodes, edges, edge_type, normalize):
w = (
self.w_factory(self.two_particle_stream_dim, name=f'w_{edge_type}')
if self.w_for_ne or edge_type != 'ne'
else Identity()
we = w(edges[edge_type].single_array)
h = self.h_factory(we.shape[-1], name=f'h_{edge_type}')
hx = h(self.node_edge_mapping.sender_data_of(edge_type, nodes))
if edges[edge_type].single_array.size == 0:
# parameters acting on size zero arrays cause NaN gradients
return jnp.zeros((hx.shape[0], self.two_particle_stream_dim))
return edges[edge_type].update_from_single_array(we).convolve(hx, normalize)
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
updates = []
for edge_type in self.edge_types:
if edge_type == 'ee':
ee = sum(
self.single_edge_type_update(nodes, edges, st, False)
for st in ['same', 'anti']
factor = self.n_up + self.n_down if self.normalize else 1.0
updates.append(GraphNodes(None, ee / factor))
nodes, edges, edge_type, self.normalize
return updates
def names(self) -> list[str]:
return [f'conv_{edge_type}' for edge_type in self.edge_types]
class NodeAttentionElectronUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""Create a single update feature by attenting over the nodes.
Returns the Psiformer update feature based on attention over the nodes.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads
mlp_factory (~typing.Type[~deepqmc.hkext.MLP]): factory function for the MLP
attention_residual (Optional[~deepqmc.hkext.Residual]): optional residual
connection after the attention layer
mlp_residual (Optional[~deepqmc.hkext.Residual]): optional residual
connection after the MLP layer
def __init__(self, *args, num_heads, mlp_factory, attention_residual, mlp_residual):
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.attention_residual = attention_residual
self.mlp_residual = mlp_residual
self.mlp_factory = mlp_factory
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
h = nodes.electrons
heads_dim = h.shape[-1] // self.num_heads
assert heads_dim * self.num_heads == h.shape[-1]
attention_layer = hk.MultiHeadAttention(
w_init=hk.initializers.VarianceScaling(1, 'fan_in', 'normal'),
mlp = self.mlp_factory(h.shape[-1], name='mlp')
attended = attention_layer(h, h, h)
if self.attention_residual:
attended = self.attention_residual(h, attended)
mlp_out = mlp(attended)
if self.mlp_residual:
mlp_out = self.mlp_residual(attended, mlp_out)
return [GraphNodes(None, mlp_out)]
class CombinedNodeAttentionUpdateFeature(UpdateFeature):
r"""Create an attention update feature for both electrons and nuclei.
The update feature is created by attending over both electrons and nuclei.
n_up (int): number of spin up electrons
n_down (int): number of spin down electrons
two_particle_stream_dim (int): dimension of the two-particle stream
node_edge_mapping (~deepqmc.gnn.utils.NodeEdgeMapping): mapping between the
various node and edge types.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads
mlp_factory (~typing.Type[~deepqmc.hkext.MLP]): factory function for the MLP
attention_residual (~deepqmc.hkext.Residual): optional, optional residual
connection after the attention layer
mlp_residual (~deepqmc.hkext.Residual): optional, residual connection after the
MLP layer
elec_to_nuc (bool): whether to allow attention over the electrons
to influence the nuclei
def __init__(
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.attention_residual = attention_residual
self.mlp_residual = mlp_residual
self.mlp_factory = mlp_factory
self.elec_to_nuc = elec_to_nuc
def __call__(
self, nodes: GraphNodes, edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdges]
) -> Sequence[GraphNodes]:
n_nuc = len(nodes.nuclei)
n_el = len(nodes.electrons)
h = jnp.concatenate([nodes.nuclei, nodes.electrons], axis=0)
mask = (
if self.elec_to_nuc
else jnp.ones((1, n_nuc + n_el, n_nuc + n_el), dtype=bool)
.at[:, :n_nuc, n_nuc:]
heads_dim = h.shape[-1] // self.num_heads
assert heads_dim * self.num_heads == h.shape[-1]
attention_layer = hk.MultiHeadAttention(
w_init=hk.initializers.VarianceScaling(1, 'fan_in', 'normal'),
mlp = self.mlp_factory(h.shape[-1], name='mlp')
attended = attention_layer(h, h, h, mask)
if self.attention_residual:
attended = self.attention_residual(h, attended)
mlp_out = mlp(attended)
if self.mlp_residual:
mlp_out = self.mlp_residual(attended, mlp_out)
nuclei_out, electrons_out = jnp.split(mlp_out, [nodes.nuclei.shape[0]], axis=0)
return [GraphNodes(nuclei_out, electrons_out)]