import logging
from typing import Optional, Union
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax_dataclasses as jdc
from jax.experimental.multihost_utils import broadcast_one_to_all
from ..parallel import align_rng_key_across_devices, replicate_on_devices
from ..types import KeyArray, Params, PhysicalConfiguration, SamplerState, Stats
from ..utils import better_where
from .base import ElectronSampler, ElectronWarp, NucleiSampler
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MoleculeIdxSampler:
r"""Sample molecule indexes for transferable training."""
def __init__(
rng: KeyArray,
n_mols: int,
batch_size: int,
shuffle: Union[bool, str] = False,
assert shuffle in [False, 'once', 'always']
self.rng = broadcast_one_to_all(rng)
self.n_mols = n_mols
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.state = 0
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.permutation = self.new_permutation()
def sample(self) -> jax.Array:
idx = jnp.array(
range(self.state, min(self.state + self.batch_size, self.n_mols))
value = [self.permutation[idx]]
if len(idx) < self.batch_size:
self.permutation = self.new_permutation()
idx = jnp.array(range(self.batch_size - len(idx)))
self.state = (self.state + self.batch_size) % self.n_mols
value = jnp.concatenate(value)
return replicate_on_devices(value)
def new_permutation(self) -> jax.Array:
permutation = jnp.arange(self.n_mols)
if self.shuffle:
rng_next, rng = jax.random.split(self.rng)
permutation = jax.random.permutation(rng, permutation)
if self.shuffle == 'always':
self.rng = rng_next
return permutation
class MultiElectronicStateSampler:
r"""Sample from multiple electronic states in parallel.
This sampler applies ``vmap`` to an underlying
:class:`~deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler` to sample from multiple electronic
states in parallel.
sampler (~deepqmc.sampling.base.ElectronSampler): the electron sampler to use.
n_state (int): the number of electronic states to sample from.
def __init__(self, sampler: ElectronSampler, n_state: int):
self.sampler = sampler
self.n_state = n_state
def init(
self, rng: KeyArray, params: Params, electron_batch_size: int, R: jax.Array
) -> SamplerState:
rngs = jax.random.split(rng, self.n_state)
smpl_state = jax.vmap(self.sampler.init, (0, 0, None, None))(
rngs, params, electron_batch_size, R
return smpl_state
def sample(
self, rng: KeyArray, state: SamplerState, params: Params, R: jax.Array
) -> tuple[SamplerState, PhysicalConfiguration, Stats]:
rngs = jax.random.split(rng, self.n_state)
return jax.vmap(self.sampler.sample, (0, 0, 0, None))(rngs, state, params, R)
def update(self, state: SamplerState, params: Params, R: jax.Array) -> SamplerState:
return jax.vmap(self.sampler.update, (0, 0, None))(state, params, R)
class MultiNuclearGeometrySampler:
r"""This sampler samples from multiple nuclear geometries in parallel.
elec_sampler (~deepqmc.sampling.electron_samplers.ElectronSampler):
the electronic sampler to use
nuc_sampler (~deepqmc.sampling.nuclei_samplers.NucleiSampler): the nuclei
sampler to use.
warp_elec_fn (~deepqmc.sampling.electron_samplers.ElectronWarp): the function
that warps the electrons to the new nuclear geometry.
update_nuc_period (int): optional, the number of steps between nuclear updates.
elec_equilibration_steps (int): optional, the number of steps to equilibrate the
electronic state after a nuclear update.
def __init__(
elec_sampler: MultiElectronicStateSampler,
nuc_sampler: NucleiSampler,
warp_elec_fn: ElectronWarp,
update_nuc_period: Optional[int],
elec_equilibration_steps: Optional[int],
self.elec_sampler = elec_sampler
self.nuc_sampler = nuc_sampler
self.warp_elec_fn = warp_elec_fn
self.update_nuc_period = update_nuc_period
self.elec_equilibration_steps = elec_equilibration_steps
def init(
self, rng: KeyArray, params: Params, electron_batch_size: int, R: jax.Array
rngs = jax.random.split(rng, len(R))
elec_smpl_state = jax.vmap(self.elec_sampler.init, (0, None, None, 0))(
rngs, params, electron_batch_size, R
nuc_smpl_state = jax.vmap(self.nuc_sampler.init)(R)
smpl_state = {
'nuc': nuc_smpl_state,
'elec': elec_smpl_state,
'update_nuc_counter': jnp.zeros(len(R)),
return smpl_state
def update_nuc(
self, rng: KeyArray, smpl_state: SamplerState, params: Params
) -> tuple[SamplerState, Stats]:
rng_nuc, rng_warp, rng_eq = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
rng_nuc = align_rng_key_across_devices(rng_nuc)
# required to maintain the paradigm of shared geometries across devices
smpl_state['nuc'], dR, stats = self.nuc_sampler.sample(
rng_nuc, smpl_state['nuc']
smpl_state['elec'] = self.warp_elec_fn(
rng_warp, smpl_state['nuc']['R'], dR, smpl_state['elec']
smpl_state['elec'] = self.elec_sampler.update(
smpl_state['elec'], params, smpl_state['nuc']['R']
if self.elec_equilibration_steps is not None:
smpl_state['elec'] = jax.lax.fori_loop(
lambda i, state: self.elec_sampler.sample(
jax.random.fold_in(rng_eq, i),
return smpl_state, stats
def sample(
rng: KeyArray,
smpl_state: SamplerState,
params: Params,
mol_idxs: jax.Array,
) -> tuple[SamplerState, PhysicalConfiguration, Stats]:
rngs_elec, rngs_nuc = jax.random.split(rng, (2, len(mol_idxs)))
counter = smpl_state.pop('update_nuc_counter')
smpl_state_it = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x[mol_idxs], smpl_state)
if self.update_nuc_period is not None:
condition = counter[mol_idxs] == self.update_nuc_period - 1
smpl_state_it = jax.lax.cond(
jax.vmap(lambda r, s: self.update_nuc(r, s, params)[0]),
lambda r, s: s,
smpl_state_it = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
lambda a, b: better_where(condition, a, b[mol_idxs]),
smpl_state = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
lambda x, y:[mol_idxs].set(y), smpl_state, smpl_state_it
counter =[mol_idxs].set(
jnp.where(condition, 0, counter[mol_idxs] + 1)
smpl_state_it['elec'], phys_conf, stats = jax.vmap(
self.elec_sampler.sample, (0, 0, None, 0)
)(rngs_elec, smpl_state_it['elec'], params, smpl_state_it['nuc']['R'])
smpl_state = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
lambda x, y:[mol_idxs].set(y), smpl_state, smpl_state_it
smpl_state['update_nuc_counter'] = counter
batch_mol_idxs = jnp.tile(
jnp.expand_dims(mol_idxs, range(1, len(phys_conf.batch_shape))),
(1, *phys_conf.batch_shape[1:]),
phys_conf = jdc.replace(phys_conf, mol_idx=batch_mol_idxs)
return smpl_state, phys_conf, stats
def update(self, smpl_state: SamplerState, params: Params) -> SamplerState:
smpl_state['elec'] = jax.vmap(self.elec_sampler.update, (0, None, 0))(
smpl_state['elec'], params, smpl_state['nuc']['R']
return smpl_state