from typing import Literal
import haiku as hk
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from ..physics import pairwise_diffs, pairwise_self_distance
from ..types import Psi
from ..utils import flatten, triu_flat
__all__ = ['NeuralNetworkWaveFunction']
class BackflowOp(hk.Module):
def __init__(self, mult_act=None, add_act=None, with_envelope=True):
self.mult_act = mult_act or (lambda x: 1 + 2 * jnp.tanh(x / 4))
self.add_act = add_act or (lambda x: 0.1 * jnp.tanh(x / 4))
self.with_envelope = with_envelope
def __call__(self, xs, fs_mult, fs_add, dists_nuc):
if self.with_envelope:
envel = jnp.sqrt((xs**2).sum(axis=(-1, -3), keepdims=True))
envel = 1
if fs_mult is not None:
xs = xs * self.mult_act(fs_mult)
if fs_add is not None:
R = dists_nuc.min(axis=-1) / 0.5
cutoff = jnp.where(R < 1, R**2 * (6 - 8 * R + 3 * R**2), jnp.ones_like(R))
assert isinstance(cutoff, jax.Array)
xs = xs + cutoff[None, :, None] * envel * self.add_act(fs_add)
return xs
def eval_log_slater(xs):
if xs.shape[-1] == 0:
return jnp.ones(xs.shape[:-2]), jnp.zeros(xs.shape[:-2])
return jnp.linalg.slogdet(xs)
class NeuralNetworkWaveFunction(hk.Module):
Implements the neural network wave function.
Configuration files to obtain the PauliNet [HermannNC20]_, FermiNet [PfauPRR20]_,
DeepErwin [Gerard22]_ and PsiFormer [Glehn22]_ architectures are provided. For a
detailed description of the implemented architecture see [Schaetzle23]_.
hamil (~deepqmc.hamil.MolecularHamiltonian): the Hamiltonian of the system.
omni_factory ( creates the omni net.
envelope ( the orbital envelopes.
backflow_op ( specifies how the backflow is applied
to the orbitals.
n_determinants (int): specifies the number of determinants
full_determinant (bool): if :data:`False`, the determinants are
factorized into spin-up and spin-down parts.
cusp_electrons ( constructor of the electronic cusp
cusp_nuclei ( constructor of the nuclear cusp module.
backflow_transform (str): describes the backflow transformation.
Possible values:
- ``'mult'``: the backflow is a multiplicative factor
- ``'add'``: the backflow is an additive term
- ``'both'``: the backflow consist of a multiplicative factor
and an additive term
conf_coeff ( returns a function that combines the
determinants to obtain the WF value
def __init__(
backflow_transform: Literal['mult', 'add', 'both'],
self.mol = hamil.mol
self.n_up, self.n_down = hamil.n_up, hamil.n_down
self.charges = hamil.mol.charges
n_up, n_down = self.n_up, self.n_down
self.n_det = n_determinants
self.full_determinant = full_determinant
self.envelope = envelope(hamil, n_determinants)
self.conf_coeff = conf_coeff(1, name='conf_coeff')
self.cusp_electrons = cusp_electrons() if cusp_electrons else None
self.cusp_nuclei = cusp_nuclei(hamil.mol.charges) if cusp_nuclei else None
backflow_spec = [
*((n_up + n_down, n_up + n_down) if full_determinant else (n_up, n_down)),
2 if backflow_transform == 'both' else 1,
self.backflow_transform = backflow_transform
self.backflow_op = backflow_op() if backflow_op else None
self.omni = omni_factory(hamil, *backflow_spec) if omni_factory else None
def spin_slices(self):
return slice(None, self.n_up), slice(self.n_up, None)
def _backflow_op(self, xs, fs, dists_nuc):
assert self.backflow_op is not None
if self.backflow_transform == 'mult':
fs_mult, fs_add = fs, None
elif self.backflow_transform == 'add':
fs_mult, fs_add = None, fs
elif self.backflow_transform == 'both':
fs_mult, fs_add = jnp.split(fs, 2, axis=0)
fs_mult, fs_add = None, None
fs_add = fs_add.squeeze(axis=0) if fs_add is not None else fs_add
fs_mult = fs_mult.squeeze(axis=0) if fs_mult is not None else fs_mult
return self.backflow_op(xs, fs_mult, fs_add, dists_nuc)
def __call__(self, phys_conf, return_mos=False):
diffs_nuc = pairwise_diffs(phys_conf.r, phys_conf.R)
dists_nuc = jnp.sqrt(diffs_nuc[..., -1])
dists_elec = pairwise_self_distance(phys_conf.r, full=True)
jastrow, fs, nuc_params = (
self.omni(phys_conf) if self.omni else (None, None, None)
orb = self.envelope(phys_conf, nuc_params)
orb_up, orb_down = (
(orb, orb)
if self.full_determinant
else jnp.split(orb, [self.n_up], axis=-1)
orb_up, orb_down = orb_up[:, : self.n_up], orb_down[:, self.n_up :]
if fs is not None:
orb_up = self._backflow_op(orb_up, fs[0], dists_nuc[: self.n_up])
orb_down = self._backflow_op(orb_down, fs[1], dists_nuc[self.n_up :])
if return_mos:
return orb_up, orb_down
if self.full_determinant:
sign, xs = eval_log_slater(jnp.concatenate([orb_up, orb_down], axis=-2))
sign_up, det_up = eval_log_slater(orb_up)
sign_down, det_down = eval_log_slater(orb_down)
sign, xs = sign_up * sign_down, det_up + det_down
xs_shift = xs.max()
# the exp-normalize trick, to avoid over/underflow of the exponential
xs_shift = jnp.where(~jnp.isinf(xs_shift), xs_shift, jnp.zeros_like(xs_shift))
# replace -inf shifts, to avoid running into nans (see sloglindet)
xs = sign * jnp.exp(xs - xs_shift)
psi = self.conf_coeff(xs).squeeze()
log_psi = jnp.log(jnp.abs(psi)) + xs_shift
sign_psi = jax.lax.stop_gradient(jnp.sign(psi))
if self.cusp_electrons:
same_dists = jnp.concatenate(
[triu_flat(dists_elec[idxs, idxs]) for idxs in self.spin_slices],
anti_dists = flatten(dists_elec[: self.n_up, self.n_up :])
log_psi += self.cusp_electrons(same_dists, anti_dists)
if self.cusp_nuclei:
log_psi += self.cusp_nuclei(dists_nuc)
if jastrow is not None:
log_psi = log_psi + jastrow
return Psi(sign_psi, log_psi)